
您所在位置:中嬰網(wǎng) > 母嬰企業(yè) > Efolium Co., Ltd. > 公司介紹


Company Profile

  We strive to discover and nurture new premium brands and products for mothers andbabies/children. We truly believe that brands build their value as they evolve from unknown to well known.

  We are committed to introducing innovative and fantastic new brands thatcommit to excellence both in quality and value rather than attempting to launch already well-established brands.The concept of growing together underpins our entire business foundation.

  The motto of our company is to develop and grow new quality brands or relatively unknown brands that carry a commitment to our customers and possess tremendous potential to go global.

  Through this experience, we pride ourselves on providing mothers and babies/children with a safe, secure, homely and happy environment.

  With the launch of Noodle and Boo in 2007,we have successfully introduced relatively unknown brands such as SwaddleDesigns, Ergobaby, and Yamatoya which eventually evolved to be well-known and the most talked about baby brands, winning first place consecutively in the baby blanket, carrier, and furniture category in Korea. Ever since the company was founded, we have made continuous marketing efforts to increase brand awareness and customer loyalty.







